Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Parent award!

Long time no update.

Last time we talked/blogged we were headed to our six month appointment.

You know that paper that they drape down the middle of the padded-table-thing at the doctors office? You know, the table where they hold your kid down and stick them with three shots and force some stinky liquid down their throats.
Graham had THAT paper shredded! I'm talkin' shreddeeeeeed into about (oh) 12,000 pieces before Dr. Sulteimier made his appearance.
Doc walks in and says "active little booger"... uh ya! Slightly.

He was perfect.
No complaints.
No questions.
He loved on him.
Told us he was way longer than average. Above average on our weight...still amazing. (im proud)

...and wish I had a picture of his disaster we left, next time I'll bring my camera.

He still isn't crawling.
We are blaming it on our wood floors.
Truth is. He will do it when he is ready. I know this.

Later in the week, Adam and I were doing stuff around the house and Graham was playing on his pallet with his toys occasionally watching the Wonder Pets, so we thought, and all of a sudden we hear some "clanking". Once again, he isn't crawling...but he moves. Somehow, he can get from one side of the room to the other but no crawling.
It was the fire place tools. He had made his way to the fire place and had one of the spike-y wood stabber things in his mouth.


He had black on top of his head, on his clothes, around and in his mouth, I promise it hadn't been THAT long since we'd checked on him.
What the heck.
That boy!

well that's all for now...

except one thing.

Adam turns TWENTY EIGHT tomorrow!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

HAPPY HAPPY 1/2 a YEAr my Baby boy!

HellO Family and Friends,

Our baby is a 1/2 year old on this day!

Six months ago at 11:55 pm, Graham Riggs Gonzenbach made his debut! Adam and I can, honestly, not put into words the happiness this tiny body brings us every second of every day.

Can ya'll believe it?! I sure can't.

I'd like to thank each of you for loving this baby boy, nothing feels any better than having others love our son.

This maybe things his Momma only cares about... BUT, just to fill everyone in:

His favorite toy (adam and I agreed): is something from Storkland that his great-Mema got him, a ball with six links attached to it.

His favorite TV show: Sesame Street, we TIVO it everyday. :) He likes the Wonder Pets, too. (we are watching that now.)

His favorite food: Cantaloupe and Sweet Potatoes


Crawl: No.


He loves his baths.

He likes to swim. He keeps his legs and gets super happy!

He is very tickle-ish.

He laughs A lot!

He loves Sadie, too bad she doesn't care much about him.

He is VERY vocal. (not sure how he's gonna escape this, if anyone has meet his Dad, you know!)

He started sleeping on his tummy for the first time this week.

Blue eyes have not changed a bit, as you can see.

and still tons of blonde hair...

We have his six month appointment next week. Stay tuned.

The Gonzenbach's love you....