Tuesday, December 28, 2010

quick getaway anyone!?!?

On second thought, never mind! I wanna go by myself. I wanna go here!

and I wanna sleep in THIS bed!
It doesn't have to be a long getaway, just a whole day and night... I'd even bring Graham if I had to... doesn't everyone wanna go here!?!? Who doesn't this appeal to?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Oh what FUN it is to RiDe....

...in an RV all the way to Wichita Falls with eight adults and five kids and look at Christmas lights.
Whoa! Did we laugh. Adam said when we got home that "my throat is going to hurt tomorrow because I laughed so hard!"
It was pretty much the funniest thing ever!

Needless to say, fun was had by all!

these two were not the captains, only pretending while stopping for gas in Jolly!

Coye couldn't stop laughing.
George couldn't stop washing the concrete at the Jolly truck stop.

Graham's bff!
looking at lights out the back glass

.fantasy of lights.

note: wish I would have had my video.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010


catch a load of these two!

Tis' the season!

I love getting Christmas cards in the mail! Especially ones that I've made.
Below is THE Santa picture. THE ONLY one we got! He was not having this thing called Santa.
But of course, we had to purchase it! Had to! It's his numero uno! YES!

Next are our stockings! On November 28th we got our family stockings in the mail. Our forever, on the mantle, for the rest of our lives, to add to for each addition, stockings! When I opened the box it brought tears to my eyes.

 and then we have our new year invitation.... I'm inviting you ALL.

Next up! Graham.

....has become a big boy! A for real, big boy! Over night! I hate it.
Where'd he go!? My baby!
He is about to be one in nine weeks, people!!!!!

He just sits in his chair, watches the Wonder Pets and acts big!

Can drink his own milk by his own self!?!?! Why? Boohooohoo.

I fall in love with him more each day!
Lately we've been under the weather... today we took a "sick day".
Blew up a blow up mattress, started a fire and didn't get out of our pajamas all day until it was time to bathe and put fresh ones on. Tomorrow might consist of the same things. We will see how my little man feels in the a.m. His eyes looked tired and sad today so we did whatever he wanted. Laid around together, watched Dora, the Wonder Pets, Sesame Street, Olivia, Mickey Mouse clubhouse... all of them!
All day!

Hang on tight! Here we go... First up! My baby, MG turns 2.

I show up to Chuckie (nasty) Cheese with her stuck in the bubble. Really! She wouldn't get out. She was just hanging out, staring at us all below her trying to direct her back the way she had come.... she COULDN'T HEAR US! Her sweet little innocent face was just like "Hey Guys!"

I'm just gonna hang out here the entire time, y'all enjoy my Birthday party!

Huh!?!?! How!? Y'all want me out!?!?!

Here comes Chuckie (Nasty!) with her cake... she's embarrassed. No one can see her when she puts her arm up annnnnndddddd Dad is wishing that trick worked for him!

Look at his arms!?!?! Don't touch him MG! That's my girl!
This was just her actual BirthDAY get together, I .of course. forget my camera at her party!
I love you baby girl! Happy 2nd year of life! I'll do everything in my power to make it as sweet as possible!