Sunday, June 27, 2010

for my Tante Andra!

Adam is FINALLY home!!!!!
We have been enjoying him being here...
every second.

Adam agreed he has grown like a weed over the last 2 weeks.
So many things have changed, it's kinda sad.

Thursday Adam was off and so we hung out in our pajamas for awhile and Graham was a happy boy... below is proof.

Then Adam and I (and grg) went to Wichita on Saturday before attending Graham's fourth buddy b-day party.
But in Wf, we got Graham a "Johnny Jump Up"! Oh boy! Does he look cute in it, he laughed and talked and carried on when I first put him in it and then by the time I got my camera out he was way serious and looked at me like I was crazy... but still he's cute!

...o! and he got his "Mohawk" hat in the mail and I laughed out loud for 20 minutes.

the next picture.... brings humongous crocodile tears to my eyes.
Thank. You. Lord. all I can say. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

pride reinforces love.

in honor of father's day.

i am one lucky girl to have been giving such wonderful men to look up to on this day...


Thanks for always bailing me out of any problem I have ever encountered.
I am truly blessed that this man is in my life.
We don't always see eye to eye but I hear that goes with the Daughter/Father thing. Everything that we have gone through has made us stronger. This man loves to do for others and if I learn one thing from him I hope it's to give.
He never stops giving.
Watching him and his love for his family makes me a better person and I'll thank him every day for this.
I love you, Dad.


First and for most, thank you for loving my Momma.
Your one of the greatest men I know and a wonderful "Pot" to my baby Graham and precious MG.
Thank you for loving us like your own.
We are lucky to have you in our lives.

the next two need no introduction:

...they are just the loves of my life.
and I am so lucky that they are mine.

I could never find the words to write that would describe how much I love these two.
The last 2 years have been by far the best years of my life.
Thank you for providing for us, playing with us, laughing with us, laughing AT us, protecting us, helping us and loving us.

Happy FIRST Father's Day!!!!

I am the luckiest girl in the world.

Father's Day father-less.

We just got home from a five day adventure to East Texas to visit Adam's mom and tons of family!

Adam's Nonna and Papa D joined me in the car along with Graham for our four hour trip. We were packed house! It was Graham's third big trip, I'd guess. 

Adam is still gone. 

Day 10.

So, he will miss his first Father's Day and that makes me very sad.
Not only will he miss his first FD but he has also missed:
1. Graham rolling over from his tummy to his back
2. Graham's "laugh out loud"
3. Graham rolling over from his back to his tummy
4. Graham taking his pacifier out of his mouth and putting it back in. (amazing)
5. A replaced toilet.
6. His Nonna and Papa D.
7. Our trip.
8. About 8 explosions.
9. Eating our carrots and sweet potatoes and trying a sippy cup.
10. And a 6.5 carat ring.

Needless to say, a lot.

....not such a good picture of Graham but the best one of the bunch.

Friday, June 11, 2010

friday fabulousness...

Well, aside from the fact that Adam left today (for who knows how long) I had a pretty lax day.

I found a cheap find today that made me happy and laugh out loud...

like father, like son.

seems like I've spent most of my day on the computer helping a friend get birthday ideas and while searching I found myself on a completely different path. I love looking at pictures and these made me relive, remember, love, or think back to something great in my past.

go away with me.

Have a great weekend. Cheers.

this makes my day!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

what happened to my baby boy?

okay, stop! There are way too many things happening! Everyday. Wow... slow down. Seriously. Just when you think he has done something remarkable, (bam!) he does something again. Today, I walk into the laundry room to take his clothes from the washer to the dryer...maybe 5 minutes...and I was he rolled over! He was laying one direction when I left and when I came back, I was like "wait a minute, something is wrong with this picture, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" We clapped and carried on for about 10 minutes, Graham thought it was pretty cool but still hasn't laughed again since Monday. :( I've tried to do funny things but they turn out scary and he thinks I'm dumb (i just know).
I took video today of him eating his lunch! He had green beans and if I can figure out how to upload it you will see it too! Stay tuned....
Now, that he can roll over I had to take a picture of him in action and text it to all of his grandparents and Daddy.
Speaking of Daddy,  he called around......10ish this morning and informed me that Friday (yes, Friday!) he will be leaving for West Virgina. Why they don't let these boys know ahead of time I will never understand. .. I mean, come one people, surely we have an idea!?!? It's not that I don't understand that it comes along with the job but it's not all about me anymore, we have a baby! A family.
So, with that being said, we are headed to Mimi and Pop's for a few days. Not sure when we will take off, but we are trying to get things in order and a weekend worked through and we will know more. Maybe sooner than later depending on how lonely this time is. It's worse now with a kid, don't ask me how.

until then, we are gonna soak up some time with Adam.

my quote of the day...mood: frumpy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

an anniversary, a laugh out loud, two shots and the pelican.

So, yesterday was Adam and I's two year anniversary.  Wierd? Yes.
Graham had an appointment and we decided to go in a little early to have some Samari Toyko with Mema. Yum and "stank" at the same time. I HATE smelling like that all day, it gets all over Graham's car seat, our diaper bag, my hair, our clothes...ick. Too bad it's so delicious.
After that, we went to the mall to look for some more pajamas. I can never find any that aren't one pieces, cute, not gay, short sleeve and not pants. He has one pair and he is wearing them out! Poor guy.
Well, still a poor guy. No such luck. The Wichita Falls mall pulled through again! 

He's appointment was at 3:20 and it took forever for us to get in... geez! Drove me crazy. Of course, he craps his pants as soon as we sit down in the waiting room. Explodes! I tell the nurse that I am going to have to change his diaper so, if they ever decide to call us back we will be in the bathroom taking a bath from the waist down with butt wipes. After we are all cleaned up we go sit back down and they finally call us back twenty minutes later. Ridiculous. 
After we finally get back there we take his height and weight:
What came next took aboooooooooooout a FREAKEN hour. We had to wait for shots. And wait, and wait, and wait. Finally, Graham feel asleep. You can only entertain him for so long... are you kidding me? I'm in here with a four month old! How could they keep us THAT long?

So, I'm just gonna stop there cause I could go on and on about this.

We didn't leave there till 5. Done!

And from there we went to GayAnns to wait on Daddy to take us out to eat for THE ANNIVERSARY, we nearly both forgot about.
We had an appetizer, salad (I ate a little), tons of bread, entrees and dessert. It was SO good and Graham came. We had tons of offers on him staying with someone else but since he was the biggest thing to happen to us 1. in this last year of marriage and 2. in our entire lives. I felt like it was necessary for him to be involved and on our dinner date. I love him SO MUCH.

see my band aids :(

Taking a bath cause I can eat things like green beans (!) and I get them EVERYwhere.

our washcloths actually have something to scrub now...

gator towel!

oh!  I almost forgot.... most of your know...but Graham straight belted out his first laugh out loud. Seriously! He was like cracking himself up! I don't even know what was so funny. It was the sweetest thing EVER. Brought tears to my eyes and made me laugh so hard! I nearly fell over. My jaw almost hit the floor! I can't believe how much he changes every single day. It really is true what they say....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

all four gonzenbach men.

Last night Graham FINALLY got to meet his Great Uncle Clifton.
I think they hit it off pretty good. We got a picture of all four of the Gonzenbach men... the last four! Adam's family is TINY and if we hadn't had a boy the Gonzenbach name would have stopped with Adam... :(
Crazy huh?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Quote of the Day
Have a good weekend!

back in action....

maybe Graham is getting too big for his bouncy seat?

once again, I'm blaming this on Heather.

I am going to try really hard this time to keep up with this thing called a BLOG!

I don't know when you girls find the time to do such a thing, I love it and I love looking at everyones...but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang. It's a lot of upkeep. To me at least.

The main reason. For this. Is to keep my Momma and MIL involved better in my GRG's life. He changes EVERY DAY and this seems to be a good way to brag and carry on.
Here are some pictures that I want you all to see.

Graham's best buddy, Pate.

Last Saturday we had a big shrimp boil out at Dads and while all the adults/parents were wrapping things up the kids decided to all watch cartoons and be adorable!

note: MG has never been interested in a pacifier... but she always HAS to have Grahams out of his mouth!

never too little for big boy toys....
but we have to let MG in on the fun too.

so Daddy bought Graham his own JEEP!

wonder what they are talking about?

trying to get GRG to settle down for bed, thanks Mimi for a place to lay! We love our hammock.

worked like a charm... sweet boy!!!

not enough words to describe what the little menis is up to... but DANG she's cute!